I’m Bill Scott. Thank you for your interest in our church. I pray that we will serve you as you learn to know and follow our Lord Jesus Christ.
Calvary Chapel Princeton Background:
In April 2000, Chris and Maya Vanover felt the leading of the Lord to move from Calvary Chapel Rivergate in Nashville to start a home Bible study here in Princeton. The Lord blessed their sacrifice and faithfulness and soon a building was purchased. The Lord continued to add to our number and in 2006 we purchased the building we are in now.
Shortly after the second move Pastor Chris was approached by Calvary Chapel Rivergate to once again serve on the staff of their vibrant and growing church. After much prayer the Vanovers decided this was the Lord’s will and accepted the offer.
I had been one of the assistant pastors since 2004 and was asked to fill the senior pastor position.
A little about myself:
I was saved in 1987 while serving in the United States Air Force in the United Kingdom. Honorably discharged in 1995, I returned to West Virginia where I met my life partner and wife Connie. We married in 1997. Connie is quite honestly is the nicest and most godly person I have ever known.
We have a great group of people of all ages and walks of life who attend our church.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have at
304-887-8221 or if you prefer contact me via email through the contact form below.